Tuesday, April 24, 2018

and the weekend story continues both in Toronto and Ghana

I found out last night about the tragedy in North Toronto, the Primate said that TORONTO WEEPS and that is so true. The developed world is doubly shocked when an event such a this happens in our city as we are lulled into thinking that it happens over there. Folks we are over there to many part of the world and it happens in everyone's backyard, ours included. This event like many is hard to understand 'why' and we may never know but we can be together to support and pray for everyone affected which includes you and me.  
May those who died rest in peace and rise in glory!

AYPA Conference for Anglican church in Ghana.
the space where it was held was an unfinished community centre, concrete pad with uprights including re bars around the edge with the centre having no roof. Trucked in are speakers, big speakers and a PA system, a couple of tables as the head table/altar on Sunday that microphones sat on, big banners around the outside edge telling what the gathering is.
getting the energy up and going

 Mother May helping me talk to the younger kids who were attending

Sunday morning crew and Doris (Eramus' daughter)

 cross on the Altar/table with blinking lights at the ends of the arms, about 12 inches high

ride back to the house,  the land has more crops and large herds of cattle and goats and even a few pigs which is not seen further south, passing fields that had been turned over, actually if I did not think, it looked like fields driving up the Hwy 400 and then I would see a palm tree and 
like Alice I knew I was not in Kansas any more

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