Thursday, March 31, 2016


the Order of the Holy Paraclette (Spirit) has started to give support to this school with the same name.
The Skill Centre designed and made these blue school bags with a logo..Anglican Schools, they have backpack  carry strings for the students and a barrel of school supplies had been sent to provide some supplies to each student in their backpack bag.
So today was the day for them to be distributed
This is a government school with all the deficits that lack of money can do but the staff carry on, starting Kindergarten, up to grade 6 (400 students registered),
more girls than boys attend and graduate (YES!!!!) 
They have started a feeding program so need big basins to prepare the food, they got three basins today,
For everyone who threw in  Tounie last summer to have one bag made and given out, 
pat yourself on the back as we had 175 bags to give out.

Everyone helps unload the truck

                                                                                       including  Students and teachers

Sr. Mavis checking the goods

And the distribution begins
Bags high in the air
Students, teachers, Fr,. Frank (Chaplain and teacher), 
Srs Mavis and Benedicta Anne and me
Fr. Frank;s Daughter who burst out crying after the pic, 
I have that effect on little kids, white skin and all

|Jr HIgh, please note  state of furniture, concrete floor, shutters, 
saying goodbye 

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