Tuesday, March 15, 2016

oh oh ... a visitation by the suits

Knock on the door and I yell ...  'come in'  as I am chopping a pineapple up
and a parade of blue suits, 3 women, 1 man come in and announce that they are from Barclays Bank
(I fell in the open sewer hole in front of Barclays Bank) they apparently just heard today from the Bishop that I have fallen and came to see how I was doing, I told the story, they apparently had no idea that anything had happened, they wished me well and left and said they will check again.  
...    very interesting to say the least


  1. Checking to see if you are going to sue? Or is that not done in Ghana?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Replies
    1. it is said that 40% of all child never attend school so are not taught English, another 15% of the population I understand are still illiterate after attending some school in English, I can understand the need to throw off the
      colonizers so I hope this is not throwing the baby out with the bath water.
