Friday, March 18, 2016


Very intense and busy
Started last night and I stayed back to rest
Worship at 530 am, Iwas not there,  surprise
Evangelistic team from North Delta diocese in Nigeria about 12 folks
9am First presentation about Covenant. With God, 90 minutes, a break with praises and second presentation, another 90 minute on Authority of the Power, then an Altar Call with repetitive praying, many were slain by the spirit and fell on the floor, I am confessing that I do not understand this phenomena.
There was individual consulting offered at 4 pm and the evening session starts at 7 pm,
Repeats time table tomorrow, no afternoon off to site see or sleep
Like the last convention, an endurance race for sure
Can't figure out how to attach pics on IPad so they will follow when I figure it out

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