Thursday, March 24, 2016

regular life is slowly returning

getting around with one crutch seems to work, foot still swollen and sometimes pain so I walk  carefully and lightly using the crutch, it is the most comfortable. You never know how life is going to unfold eh!!!
St. John's Hospital, Orthopedic Department in Nkwanta was quite impressive, their OPD was busy like most Out Patient Depts, long lines of waiting like the ones in Canada, and quite good care,
I saw wooden crutches made out of 2x4's wittled down where needed to be workable, nurses busy, lots of to and fro,
OPD visit costed $8.14 Canadian, which included: vitals being taken, visit with MD, cast removed at plaster clinic and another visit with doc, good deal eh!
Cathedral getting ready for this busy weekend, I feel as though I am still on sick leave, so just plan to attend services
Scrubbed leg and foot in the bath tub last night, it was very soothing, I am amazed at the change in the skin having being wrapped for 6 weeks, very interesting process
Raining off and on today and laundry is done so hopefully it stays off until the clothes dry

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