Wednesday, May 20, 2015

walking is good for the soul so they tell me

so between walking and taxis I got my errands done today.
no electricity sorta cramps one's style in getting anything done, no one can believe that we may have one power outage in a year or two, I tries to explain how disruptive it is for everyone, we in Canada rely on hydro for almost everything, here in Ghana flashlights, solar lights, propane stoves, generators and life carries on a little weaker but no one gets their knickers in a knot, had fried plantain off the street vender today, it smells so good when cooking, the sugar caramelizes I guess, very good anyway

1 comment:

  1. What is the plantain fried in?
    I just finished cleaning my kerosene lamp and mantle disintegrated. The chimney is still in one piece. maybe I should learn from the Ghanaians and get a big flashlight LOL
