Tuesday, May 5, 2015

turned out to be a long day

met with bishop, we got on the same page about my work,
went to renew my Immigration Stamp as it expires on the 8th, I am all organized, paper work all complete, letter from the bishop signed that I am legit, get to immigration and he asks for my Ghana ID card,, what is that, he gives me a brochure that all foreign nationals who stay over 90 days in a year must have this ID card in order to renew the stamp, ok, where...Kumasi, well I had heard the Dean was going to Kumasi today to so I call him, of course no answer then he calls back and I am driving, anyway we get connected, yes I can go with him, I inform the bishop about all this, I take 300 Ghana cedis ($100 can) just because and I think the card costs 120cedis,  its about 140 km so we leave around 1115 and the dean's reason was to visit the house he is having built as he is moving into it in 2 weeks, it is located about 30 minutes before you get to Kumasi, see house, not near finished in my book, no water, hydro not hooked up, no septic (they were digging it as we arrived) just the security door on the front and birds can come and go and leaving their dropping all over, I tell him he is VERY optimistic to want to move in in 2 weeks but he says it will be ok, it will be ready
then off to my errand in Kumasi, eventually get to the bank 215pm where they sell the id cards,(why  sell government cards at the bank I do not know) a/c is working just fine so I sit to chill out, the staff come over to me and the Sister from Nigeria sitting beside me and states that their internet is down, could we come back tomorrow, I  say that I am from Sunyani and that is not a good idea for me so we get sent to the central Immigration office in another part of town, she gets there first so Dean and I sit at the next door cafĂ©, one of the guards brings my an application form so I will be ready when its my turn, I ask how much and it is $120 American, I do not have enough money so the dean bails me out with added funds, half way filling the form and a staff  woman comes over and says she is leaving and wants the money, so she got all my money and some of dean's, we sit, wait eventually my turn, got finger printed, picture, signature and walked out with my Ghana ID  ta ta. it gets renew for only $60 American and in Kumasi again, next year's task, 4 pm start for home, rain, Dean has a couple coming for counselling at 6 pm, and there is no way that we will get here in time, home at 7pm, no money on me but I do have my ID card, the couple never showed for the appt. and the electricity is still on ..... yea so I can cook for supper
van with enough room for everything
my Ghana ID  card


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