Saturday, May 23, 2015

lazy,hazy day of summer

cool breeze but sun to dry the clothes on the line, electricity and water on at the same, it is very quiet here as cathedral folks have gone to the funeral of a chorister's mother I think, a long way by bus (10 hours or so), they left last night but will be home before midnight tonight,  I am starting to pack my place up, pack suitcases to travel and make a dent in stuff for synod so after discussion with a few I chose to stay home, yesterday a nice lunch at the bishops with a few of his classmates from high school, they move around the country visiting each other, nice idea. cleaning is least favour task, I know I say that all the time but today I am cleaning so I am reminded again how I dislike it,
I know, I know, here's a quarter, call someone who cares ( it may actually be a loonnie now) lol


  1. Looking forward to seeing you. I too am cleaning today so no nursing home. When will you be at the cottage?

  2. first weekend in June I hope
    and I will be cleaning there too, cant seem to get away from it unfortunately

  3. You'll have lots of time to clean indoors as the mosquitos are plentiful
