Tuesday, May 19, 2015

ode to the car

I had Matthias (driver) check out the car after the 'road hole' episode last night, tested it, put a little air in another tire which was soft and said it was good to go
After Dean and family left today, moving to their home in Kumasi, next they will go to a new assignment in Nkoranza, I start to run errands, banks, withdraw money, put gas in the car and buy drinking water sachets and off to Vivian's (to pick up a  new clergy shirt made with Diocesan cloth) Vivian not there so back down a very bad road, car acting like a gutless wonder, 20km up a hill and then the smell, something was burning, stopped near the cultural centre to check the water in the radiator, put water in, a gentleman stops by and looks at the engine and says its a gasket ????? ok I know nothing about these things. I call Matthias, he says leave the car, he will look at it tomorrow, next we have two men looking at the situation, they are going to push the car to the side of the road but the steering wheel is locked, then cant find the keys, there is not a second one so really need to find them, so for the next 15 minutes I look through my purse, the car , the road ..no keys I empty my purse into a bag...no keys, both men go through my purse ..no keys all the while they ask it they are in my pockets, check pocket several times ... no keys, I ask the men to check their pockets, ..no keys. where the h--- are they, Vivian happens by and stops, she looks through the bag and the purse too, no keys then she checks my pocket AND there are the keys, I feel quite stupid and apologize all over the place, get car parked at the side of the road, offer a tip to the men, one said he could not take it, Vivian takes me to her place, try on the shirt, no buttons yet so she will bring it to church on Sunday with it finished, Vivian talks to Matthias as she thinks the battery (a new battery so that would be a pain) will be stolen if the car stays on the road over night, so he has just come for the keys and says he will bring back here. My warning to him was that something is burning that smells really bad, so the ode to the old car continues ....

Matthias is back with the car. its the clutch and he will inform the bishop when he is back in town, I think a taxi is a better bet at this time and if it breaks down, then hail another  .....  no sweat

1 comment:

  1. Keys Keys glorious there's nothing like them when wanting to drive!!
