Wednesday, March 19, 2014

twins and a new dress

I visited Gifty's workshop yesterday and meet a neighbour of her's. I forget Mom's name but I will get it Friday. anyway she has twin girls, Ena and Nina, 3 months old, I thought I was seeing one baby being passed around until they appeared together. Mom and Dad come from families with twins. They now have six girls,15, 12, 7, 3 and this set of twins. Mom says she is busy (no kidding) and takes the babies when she goes to do her teaching. The two older girls when they got home from school, came one by one to take the babies home and Mom had a brief rest as we talked and laughed in Gifty's shop ...neat time,
 Gifty told me her birthday is Friday, 21 and holding she claims, being  she is retired from a government job in USA she has been holding for a while, anyway she is putting on a little luncheon in her shop, I was telling her that I found some creamed cheese, little triangle in a round package, anyway I drove to the store, bought her a package and gave it to her, I was very brisk in my delivery which is not done here BUT the sky was showing that a big storm was coming and the roof leaks in the car so I did not make nice during the delivery. I explained today.
now having thought about a gift for Gifty, another package of cream cheese and I found brown bread which she likes so that will round out her present. Being practical makes more sense to me here.
bought a new dress from a stall near by... I quite like it, hangs loose so is ++++ cool


  1. I like the colours. It's supposed to be a very hot summer, so maybe you can wear it here too.
