Thursday, March 20, 2014

got rechargeable flash light and shed got moved

first thing this am I went to town and found a rechargeable flashlight that will last 19 hours so it says,  it is charging  now and then I will test it.
Ministry at the Women's Prison through the generosity of Diocese of Sunyani, Bishop and Mother Yeboah-Asuamah and Canadian donors to set up a shop where women can learn how to do hairdressing as a way of having an income upon discharge ..... a used shed where the project will be housed was acquired, and got moved to the prison grounds today, I was a little unsure of it arriving intact but despite my insecurities it got there just fine
shed to be moved

truck to do moving 
tow truck from fire department to lift  shed ............

in the air
shed has landed and will be squared on foundation tomorrow
cant get pic to download, will try later

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