Monday, March 31, 2014


I have spent most of the day trying to get a functioning phone with the ability to text. my phone provider has significant changes the bundle packages in the Pay as you go section. I was  to the office 3x (the saving is air conditioned) the pm concluded the task by using a text provider that  uses the internet rather than the phone, I am told it is a cheaper way to go, called WhatsAp. Emmanuel in the office set it up and if someone wants to text me, you have to download the program as you can only receive and send messages from those who have installed the program. I will see how it goes, not having any texting would be a pain. lots of rain this pm but it cooled things off, actually if it gets any cooler I might even need a sweater   lol   remember I need everyone to work on getting rid of the cold weather by Easter before I get back or I will freeze   

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Today is Mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent, a celebration that is always held here, whereas  in Canada, not too often as Mother's Day in May takes priority but it has much commercialism surrounding it whereas today is a religious service for those who mother (I consider anyone, male of female can mother so it is a celebration for all). I continue to find it weird when I finish preaching, someone gets up and repeats it all in local language. Sometime it sounds more interesting than my version but what the heck.... 

Friday, March 28, 2014

hydro shedding saga cont'd

I thought that with this system we would have a schedule when the hydro was going to be off, schedule and the last two nights off from 10 or 11 pm until sometime in the morning, like it is 915am and it is still not back on. Am I pleased with my self with the rechargeable flashlight or what, it sits in a pringles chip tube like a candle and keeps the dark away
                                                                       ta ta

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Archbishop addresses clergy

Archbishop was back this am, talking about called to ministry and behaviour for clergy. He promised to send me a copy of his book on the ordination of women, I am trying to sort out the head space around the issue from his point of view..
the group gathered

Monday, March 24, 2014

Archbishop of Niger Delta, Nigeria the Most Rev. Ignatius Katty

The Diocese of Sunyani has a missionary from the Niger Delta, a priest who is working at St. Peters in Berekum, Rev Fr. Josiah Ohackwusi. Tonight we had a group with the Archbishop visiting. The area of the country where he resides has considerable unrest and last September the Archbishop was kidnapped and released 6 days later unharmed.The Archbishop gave an address tonight with vigor, enthusiasm, an altar call, a healing call and prayers for the Diocese of Sunyani. Very vibrate fellow. Has has written a book Ordination of Women- Give them a chance in the early 90's but he was saying to me that there are no women yet, it is slow for everyone to agree. I hope to find a copy.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

post Sunday nap

Sunday  busyness, long gospel today for me read with sweat running down my back, warm did not cover it, and of course I left my washcloth  to mop up with, at home, what can I say... except it was good to get in front of the fan and nap

Friday, March 21, 2014


- flashlight did not work after 24 hour of charging so back it goes
- Gifty had a happy day for her birthday
- Mom of twins name is Asha
and I am off to bed

Thursday, March 20, 2014

got rechargeable flash light and shed got moved

first thing this am I went to town and found a rechargeable flashlight that will last 19 hours so it says,  it is charging  now and then I will test it.
Ministry at the Women's Prison through the generosity of Diocese of Sunyani, Bishop and Mother Yeboah-Asuamah and Canadian donors to set up a shop where women can learn how to do hairdressing as a way of having an income upon discharge ..... a used shed where the project will be housed was acquired, and got moved to the prison grounds today, I was a little unsure of it arriving intact but despite my insecurities it got there just fine
shed to be moved

truck to do moving 
tow truck from fire department to lift  shed ............

in the air
shed has landed and will be squared on foundation tomorrow
cant get pic to download, will try later

HYDRO SHEDDING-thank goodness

a schedule has been set when the hydro will be off for 12 hours/every 2 days, at least this way there are no surprises  and all batteries can be fully charged for that time, years ago I found 12 hours at night a long time, will look for a rechargeable lamp today. the reason for this is there is not enough energy to drive the turbines to produce the electricity whether that be gas from Nigeria or water in the Volta  to meet the need.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

twins and a new dress

I visited Gifty's workshop yesterday and meet a neighbour of her's. I forget Mom's name but I will get it Friday. anyway she has twin girls, Ena and Nina, 3 months old, I thought I was seeing one baby being passed around until they appeared together. Mom and Dad come from families with twins. They now have six girls,15, 12, 7, 3 and this set of twins. Mom says she is busy (no kidding) and takes the babies when she goes to do her teaching. The two older girls when they got home from school, came one by one to take the babies home and Mom had a brief rest as we talked and laughed in Gifty's shop ...neat time,
 Gifty told me her birthday is Friday, 21 and holding she claims, being  she is retired from a government job in USA she has been holding for a while, anyway she is putting on a little luncheon in her shop, I was telling her that I found some creamed cheese, little triangle in a round package, anyway I drove to the store, bought her a package and gave it to her, I was very brisk in my delivery which is not done here BUT the sky was showing that a big storm was coming and the roof leaks in the car so I did not make nice during the delivery. I explained today.
now having thought about a gift for Gifty, another package of cream cheese and I found brown bread which she likes so that will round out her present. Being practical makes more sense to me here.
bought a new dress from a stall near by... I quite like it, hangs loose so is ++++ cool


my visa ends this weekend, I had asked for an application when I renewed 3 months ago so I felt very proud that I had this process down pat; I take application, letter from bishop validating my existence here, a copy of my flight ticket to get back to Canada, a passport sized photo, my passport and 50 Ghana cedis for a visa for one more  month.  I actually was served by the boss in the office as  he was asking how the bishop is as he knows him. Then I was off to run errands, to the drum maker, the carpenter, the grocery store and get gas. SO my phone rings maybe 30 minutes later Sr. Mavis who is at the cathedral, telling me that there is an immigration officer with her saying I did not fill out the application form  ????????? WHAT  so I returned to talk with him. Indeed he did have a blank application, same as the one I gave in at the office.SO I drive him to the Immigration Office, sit beside the same officer who I had given my papers to. I nosed  through the papers on his desk looking for my application, NOT TO BE SEEN, so filled out another, signed the bottom and I still pick my passport up next Wednesday with it all done, Maybe the 'not me 'ghost took it and put it in his/her pocket(???do ghosts have pockets???)

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hydro, and the fan are back

and the ice will return to the freezer    lol

hydro out,, defrosted fridge

no hydro since last night  with the opportunity to defrost the fridge presenting, so after church I took all the water and ice out of the freezer, now just need the hydro to come back on soon as the cold is diminishing in the fridge after 17 hours

Friday, March 14, 2014

and the rains come...

thunder, lightening, gale winds, the heavens opened up with a deluge of rain and, the hydro went off.  I ran and filled a pail of water in case the water went off as well.........lasted about an hour, now all is quiet and the lights are back on. Entertainment for the evening    lol

Thursday, March 13, 2014

mmm good

ground nut paste (peanut butter) sliced banana, sprinkle of cinnamon on whole wheat bread,, a great lunch!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


Rituals are very important and there is a know pattern for a funeral. Requiem mass today at 530am, noting the one week anniversary from the death, later the same day there is what I would call, an 'open house' there is a band and singers for music, pointy tents in a large wide circle on the grounds of the cathedral, with many chairs in their shade, we were announced being from the cathedral, one shakes the hand  of everyone in the grieving family as a condolence,  find a seat and then the family gets up and shake your hand as a welcome and offers a drink, as folks arrive they shake the hands of the family and everyone sitting in the front row of the circle, music, singing, dancing happens, a token donation to the family, and after a few hours one leaves, at  this event the date of the funeral is announced (end of May). there is funeral cloth worn by most visitors, for both men and women, cloth that is black or black with red. Very interesting to see and there seems to be much support for the family.

Monday, March 10, 2014

FRESH PINEAPPLE and the sunset

I tell you there is nothing that DOLE can do, to compete with fresh pineapple, just peeled a pineapple and I am sure I ate half.... juicy, sweet, crunchy WOW the BEST! Thank goodness my blood sugar can handle it. Watching the sunset and eating fresh cant get better

Friday, March 7, 2014

a Canon in Ghana

I needed a new alb as the one I have been wearing I got when I was ordained and it somewhat falling apart SO I went to robe maker in Kumasi and ordered the whole deal  for a Canon here.
Well I never thought I would dress like this     so here goes. All the red bits denotes Canon.
white cassock, cooler than black
Black belt (cincture) with red fringe
lace surplice, cooler than cotton

beretta., never in a million years could I have dreamt to own one

I got a new outfit for Easter season, dark because Jesus died (here when one attends funerals you wear black/red cloth) and one wears white on Easter Day


Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I had mentioned Gifty working to have a learning centre for disabled people to learn a skill and gain some economic independence. TODAY WAS OPENING DAY! She could hardly sleep last night and planned a party atmosphere for her friends and neighbours on the street to enjoy food and drink to celebrate today. great stuffed patty with chips and I got extra to bring home.
she has merchandise and is offering a sewing centre. When she gets orders she will hire people who can be taught to sew while the centre will be making money to create sewing articles. Her dream is to get a standing order from a school for school uniforms and that is why she needed an industrial sewing machine to manufacture big orders.



6AM Imposition of ashes and eucharist
8AM Cathedral Cluster of School students - 2 primary, 2 Junior Secondary plus teachers (over 350 kids) praise, prayer and imposition of Ashes, ++++++++-lots of enthusiasm and energy

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunyani Sunday morning

First service at the Cathedral started using an English service form with pew versions. Dean is going to try it for a month, work out the kinks and then make more permanent copies. Then Bible Study for three quarters of an hour and the dean gave me an assignment - Bless a motor bike at a daughter church (it was important for the parish to know that they are support through a senior priest carrying out the blessing), I could have driven Old Bessie but had not idea where I was going so Warden drove me, A nice new motor bike belonging to the parish for the use of the priest, (part of the struggle to carry out parish visits is lack of transport by many priests) everyone was excited at their new bike)

Saturday, March 1, 2014


found some great fabric today, traders name is Ester. she has great colours so I am sure to go back, see both pieces on the ironing board (not finished ironing but there is always tomorrow)