Sunday, April 21, 2013


INSTALLATION OF THE THIRD DEAN OF THE ST. ANSELM’S CATHEDRAL The Rev. Canon Timothy Kankam Dwumfour was duly installed as the Dean. I was asked today if services in Toronto are a long as they are here, a big NO was my answer. – Today started @ 9am, I started preaching at 1020, then lots of music, started the celebration of the Eucharist at 1145, Announcement at about 1215, blessing of the new dean and his family 1240 and then anyone else came forward, recessional started at 2pm Pics 1– The dean to the left of the bishop and to the dean’s left his wife and two daughters 2- Everyone is the cathedral came up to welcome and congratulate the new dean, 3. Bishop blessing dean and his family 4. on the steps of the cathedral with the Guild of the Good Shepherd (women with blue cloth on)

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