Monday, April 8, 2013

Installation of new dean on the 21st

wow getting ready for this is +++ work, I have been working on the bulletin, 20 pages with pics and all, hopefully someone else is going to format it into Publisher as I do not have it on this computer, service forms I have never encountered before with all the pomp and circumstance that the cathedral has, I am waiting for a fellow who has set up a web site for the diocese, he said 9am and it is 1020 so perhaps by noon, the present web site does not say much so hopefully the new one will be interactive and can be updated as needed, his arrival time 1140, before it is put up the web, will keep you posted, he did a great job in setting it up, now it is adding info and tweeking the wording

1 comment:

  1. What is the web address?
    Did you know you can use power point instead of publisher? Hope ll goes well at the installation. LD
