Friday, April 12, 2013

almost in a panic

computer was working and then was not, I could open a document but could not save it or print it which meant the 20 page bulletin for the Installation and the newsletter would need to be re-entered, hours of inputing, not my idea of a way to spend the weekend and I would need to rustle up another computer, so .... after a couple of hours of fiddling, me and a fellow who knows computers, he thought my microsoft programme was damaged, I mean what do I know so I went home, and thought maybe just maybe it would work in the home environment, I know it has no bearing on function but I was looking for a miracle ok? sooooo I plugged everything in and guess what WORK LIKE A CHARM SO I PUT THE DOCUMENTS ON A PEN DRIVE,and prnted them and took them to the office, so that if this computer decided to act up again, at least these two are useable and I do not have to re-input, A MIRACLE FOR SURE!! so now my weekend is free to get some words together to preach at the Induction ... life in the electronic age oh my...

1 comment:

  1. You have the magic touch, amazing what happens when you relax a bit.
    So GLAD it worked out.
