Wednesday, April 10, 2013

airport and duck tape in one day

drove to the airport,my next door neighbour ATTA, as navigator, got my ticket to go from here to Accra, 45 minutes flying, 8 hours driving, not up for discussion, worth ever cedi watch band gave up the ghost, leather and perspiration and age do not go together so RED DUCK TAPE to the rescue,, I m sure it will last for years if I want it to.DUCK TAPE, THE BEST TAPE IN THE WORLD,dont leave home without it


  1. classy, a red watch band what bling.
    Will you soon pass the Sunyani chauffeuring test?

  2. I do not drive far as there are no street signs so most of the time I have no idea whereI am going, I need a navigator or stay close to home, parking of course is wicked
