Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Bulletin has gone to print

Thanks be to God. Election Irregularities, THIS IS A LAND MARK CASE AND WILl CHANGE THE VOTING PROCESS AND MAY BRING DOWN THE GOVERNMENT In 2012 Presidential Election, the opposition file charges against the government that there were a number of voting irregularities and laws broken which they feel that the election is not valid. Today the case started to be heard by the Supreme Court of Ghana. problem; Over voting, summery sheets not signed by the Poll Station Director, too many ballots for the number of listed eligible voters, duplication of summery sheets between polling station and polling stations in places that were not officially declared. So every tv and radio is broadcasting live the court proceedings. The fact everyone is listening reminds me of the OJ trial. It is the talk of the town. When I get home I will need to follow it on the Internet :(

1 comment:

  1. what a way to get people talking to each other. who is governing now?
