Tuesday, January 19, 2016

i got a real ladder

After seeing the step stool on the chair for a ladder apparatus and my new shelves are very high and my ceiling fans need cleaning I went to search for a ladder. Adu knows where everything is or knows who to ask for direction. So we find a hardware store with ladders. The first amount they gave me was far to high so I grabbed Adu arm and walked back to the taxi saying, there is no way I would ever pay that much, I walked a little huffy I will admit. Got in the taxi and then someone shouted from the store,  at this point I stayed in the cab, Adu walked back to be given a price reduction of 30%, Adu tells me, No, not enough so I reduce it anther 15%, ...result...bought a ladder and put it in the back seat sticking out the window, Adu's comment when he got back in the car...you did very well
Now I have no excuse for dirty fan blades  which have not been cleaned yet by the way.
I know....... small things amuse small minds

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