Tuesday, November 17, 2015

travelling - the challenge that it is

Travelling yesterday reminded me how much getting from one place to another here is such a challenge, buses wait until they are full before they depart, upholstery needs many repairs, buses are used as parcel transport so much time is spent getting parcels (some as big as a small stove) paid for and stowed underneath, roads get tore up with one government and not finished by the next so stay dirt (great fun in the rain), resulting in the driver having to pick their way from side to side over 6 lanes to where the holes are the smallest; that's the bad news: the good news the bus will stop where ever, for a pit stop, you can shout out where you want to get off, no designate stops only, (on the way to Kumasi someone was in the aisle promoting their product which the Black Seed for piles so I was told, entertaining if nothing less). had lunch and got to the robe maker, Lawrence, he laughed when I told him I could not find the belt, getting another and ordered a white chausible (will show pics when it arrives next week) then off to the Cultural Centre, they always have really neat things for sale so bought a few and then headed for home. it was an 11 hour trip, yep a test of endurance it could be called or just travelling in Ghana.
Kumasi at lunch time     -      Melcome my favourite store, somewhat like Walmart
All taxis have orange bumpers like the one below, no meters, pick up drop off like the bus as there are seats available, if you want the cab exclusively then pay a little more
She does not let carrying a heavy parcel  stop her from working her phone
(the bag she has on her head has 30 sachets of water each one with 500 cc, so 15 liters of water) 
how much ever that weighs,  I find it heavy to carry one in my arms.

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