Friday, November 27, 2015

today a day of rest

a 7 hour bus ride on Wednesday and same on Thursday makes one a little weary
On bus  Wednesday, seat mate was a detective, I wondered whether she was a judge as when I eavesdropped on her phone conversation she spoke about High Court in January ??? what did I know
When she saw my collar, she said Oh a clergy man, I quickly said woman, she smiled

Went to St. Nicholas Seminary after arriving in Cape Coast to deliver a donation for Diocese of Sunyani,.then went out to dinner with Seth, the person accompanying me and Sam the driver

restaurant was down by the Slave Castle,
table faced out to the sea

 tough scenery I know
but someone has to look at it


  1. it was lovely to watch the colours change while eating dinner, like a travel brochure

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice pics Hard to type on my back. Waiting to see chiropractor Mon after decree from fam doc. Wants to rule out cause of pain so may need some stretching, u
    Uneasy but must trust my doc
