Monday, February 3, 2014

Kumasi - there and back

need new robe so ordered from robe maker in Kumasi, will be white like the two men who were installed as Canons a few weeks ago and a green chasuble with stole decorated with Kente cloth
Kente cloth has its origin with the Ashanti Kingdom, and was adopted by people in Ivory Coast and many other West African counties. It is an Akan royal and sacred cloth worn only in times of extreme importance and was the cloth of kings. Over time, the use of kente became more widespread. However, its importance has remained and it is held in high esteem with Akan
Dean kindly drove but had Car noise on way home ???? stopped at mechanics and it was deemed a minor situation, but when the Dean speeded up it made its noise so he concluded that it was to remind him ...not to speed....


  1. What a fashion easta. you are. It will look fabulous.

  2. I don't know about fashion but I will be joining the crowd.
