Saturday, February 8, 2014


The cathedral held a Crusade in a community that does not have a church. The community is down a road that reminded me of the tracks that one sees in s farmer's field, no gravel, no grading just ruts and pot holes.  It was Wed, Thurs and Friday evening. held in a field, a couple hundred chairs, sound equipment, video equipment all transported from the cathedral. maybe 20 or so cathedral parishioners, wardens, Praise singing team, clergy and the bishop were there for Friday evening, it reminded me of a drive in theater, with chairs instead of the cars and the big screen. Some preliminary outreach was done through one parishioner who lives in the area, now a team will go out each Sunday, hold services and see whether a group gathers who would be the beginnings of a  congregation. Wow, it was interesting to see maybe a dozen standing at the edge of the darkness, watching, along with maybe 100 or so sitting, lots of kids running back and forth, Program each night was singing, a sermon, and praying. It will be interesting to me to follow  how this works out in the long run. I gather this is how they church plant in the diocese. They will try to get a catechist to lead the group in getting established.  very interesting...

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