Sunday, February 23, 2014

hydro comes and hydro goes

the hydro is in "gone 'mode at the moment, went out about 10pm last night and it is around 245 pm Sunday and it is still in 'gone ' mode.   The good news is that I was able to defrost the fridge at 6 am before church at 7 am. No need for a scraper, the ice just slid out into the pail, the bad news is that it is warm this pm and there is NO fan so catching drips off my chin is part of my entertainment.
 I can hear every moaning, too bad Betty, 
while you the reader, put on boots, scarf, mitts, heavy coat 
and have to scrap the ice off the windshield, 
........ all in the eye of the beholder is what I say      lol

ps   hydro came back at 430 on at last

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