Thursday, February 27, 2014
its official
I have my own hospital card for the Regional Hospital, Sunyani. .... retainer fixed ......all is well thanks to Dr. Aaron
Retainer loose again, off to see Dr. Aaron at the Regional Hospital Dental clinic this am. I will discuss the fact that it gets loose without much effort when I get back to To with the orthodontist. Cleaned louver windows last night as red dust settles everywhere on everything everyday and lots of it. I could do it everyday but I am not Suzy Homemaker so it gets done when I feel like it instead, so today clean windows !!!!!!!
Sunday, February 23, 2014
hydro comes and hydro goes
the hydro is in "gone 'mode at the moment, went out about 10pm last night and it is around 245 pm Sunday and it is still in 'gone ' mode. The good news is that I was able to defrost the fridge at 6 am before church at 7 am. No need for a scraper, the ice just slid out into the pail, the bad news is that it is warm this pm and there is NO fan so catching drips off my chin is part of my entertainment.

ps hydro came back at 430 on at last
I can hear every moaning, too bad Betty,
while you the reader, put on boots, scarf, mitts, heavy coat
and have to scrap the ice off the windshield,
........ all in the eye of the beholder is what I say lol
ps hydro came back at 430 on at last
Saturday, February 22, 2014
roll up the rim to win
I understand that I am missing my favourite Tim Horton's game 'Roll up the rim to win" BUT I can play it on line, Of course I want to win the car. The internet is great so I can play from afar.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
to Market
after water was added to the radiator, 5 readjustments to the battery lead so it is tight enough for contact, old Betsy started up like a new car. The sun is shining, and lots of people are in the market. The alley ways between the stalls are barely wide enough for two to stand side by side, the variety of goods is endless, I bought a piece of fabric, tomatoes and onions - where else can you buy anything in one place. met the phone techi from Sansung,...nice man. Betsy behaved and started each time I stopped so got home without mishap. A GOOD DAY!
Monday, February 17, 2014
great outcomes
meeting between women's prison staff, Sr. Mavis OHP, and myself to explore ministry possibilities for the prison, no conclusions but a great possibility of setting a learning centre to learn hairdressing

In the spring I included pictures of mats that were made in the prison, these were the ones on view today, the one in front is the flag of Ghana( the green, yellow and red with a black star), I have ordered a few and one will be the design of the Canadian Flag....neat eh!!!
so ....... on with my day. ok remember my phone fell in a pail of water a couple of weeks ago, the repair lasted only for 2 days and then the off/on mechanism had no control when talking on the phone, in the middle of the night, in the middle of a meeting SO went back to repair man as I am trying to avoid buying a new phone (my theory was the off/on switch got damage in the water dunk) well the switch was replaced and voila !!!!!!! back in full working order, when I asked the cost, he said, just give me what you think but things here are much less expensive than Canada and I told him that, I held out 30 Ghana Cedis ($15.00) as to replace this phone it would be 200 GC ($100.00) he took the 10 and left the 20, the repair cost me $5.00 Canadian, then we had a long conversation about Ghana/ Canada education & other stuff..... nice guy,
ALSO TODAY a month or so ago I wrote about Gifty trying to set up a workshop for the disabled as there are no resources here at all nor is there any Accessibility thoughts about as being ingrained in buildings or ways things are done. She got a new Industrial sewing machine so here it and she is very happy with her new toy
In the spring I included pictures of mats that were made in the prison, these were the ones on view today, the one in front is the flag of Ghana( the green, yellow and red with a black star), I have ordered a few and one will be the design of the Canadian Flag....neat eh!!!
so ....... on with my day. ok remember my phone fell in a pail of water a couple of weeks ago, the repair lasted only for 2 days and then the off/on mechanism had no control when talking on the phone, in the middle of the night, in the middle of a meeting SO went back to repair man as I am trying to avoid buying a new phone (my theory was the off/on switch got damage in the water dunk) well the switch was replaced and voila !!!!!!! back in full working order, when I asked the cost, he said, just give me what you think but things here are much less expensive than Canada and I told him that, I held out 30 Ghana Cedis ($15.00) as to replace this phone it would be 200 GC ($100.00) he took the 10 and left the 20, the repair cost me $5.00 Canadian, then we had a long conversation about Ghana/ Canada education & other stuff..... nice guy,
ALSO TODAY a month or so ago I wrote about Gifty trying to set up a workshop for the disabled as there are no resources here at all nor is there any Accessibility thoughts about as being ingrained in buildings or ways things are done. She got a new Industrial sewing machine so here it and she is very happy with her new toy
Sunday, February 16, 2014
a couple of comments ..... thanks ....that one can not find things easily so have gone back to 'day by day' in order, just thought I would see if another format was good, but its not, so here we are again. I was trying to have more variety in posting pics but have not figured that out yet, but I will keep trying
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Canadian Donations accomplished this !!!!!!!
The cathedral primary and nursery school backs to my bedroom and living room windows so I hear them come in the morning, have their recess etc and they had two piece of play equipment for ??50 -60 kids. they have a merry go round that seats 8 but 15 kids would climb on and a couple of others would push it around so every had a ride. The slide was used but one at a time. Because folks in Canada are very generous and give my funds to do ministry here ,, I wondered out loud to the dean about adding another merry go round. He priced it out and could add three pieces of equipment for another few more cedis. That was a few weeks ago. The equipment got ordered, you do realize that there is not Wal Mart or Home Depot to go to buy this stuff ready made, it needs to be made, steel bars welded together to make the rides. Well, Thursday the equipment was in place, painted brightly and officially given to the school. Of course now there is 2 merry go rounds, 2 slides and a swing set. WOW!!!! The dean and I met with the PTA meeting Thursday and so now the kids have more choice and possibility to play on. Today I saw some bigger boys were chilling, chatting about ???? while swinging back and forth. back and forth. A BIG THANKS TO THE CANADIAN DONORS.
First two pieces of equipment been there for years it appears.
PTA meeting in a classroom
First two pieces of equipment been there for years it appears.
PTA meeting in a classroom
A JOB WELL DONE, the kids and parents gave a loud round of applause and a big thanks!
Pictures from retreats
Slept like a log last night, after being at the retreat centre, have lots of stuff to do at home now
, laundry, food shop, look for fabric in the market, am going to take the car so I do not have to carry the bags ( getting lazy or wise, cant figure which out)
Retreat centre was owned by the RC's, quite pleasant and they made a plate of food when the main meal was something I did not eat (very kind), only 2 things I do not eat, fufu (pounded cassava and plantain) and kinky (fermented corn mash).
retreat- had speakers talking about the law, how to assess and plan in a parish, the Presby Police Chaplain, diocesan treasurer, and our Bishop.

Need to remember that annual physicals are not the order of the day as if one feels well, then there is nothing wrong AND why ask for trouble ie getting a diagnosis that has not started to be painful or bothersome, The Bishop and his Wife , Mother Felicia organized this testing, think about it, if folks do not come for testing then take the testing to them.
also had a breast examination clinic for the wives
, laundry, food shop, look for fabric in the market, am going to take the car so I do not have to carry the bags ( getting lazy or wise, cant figure which out)
Retreat centre was owned by the RC's, quite pleasant and they made a plate of food when the main meal was something I did not eat (very kind), only 2 things I do not eat, fufu (pounded cassava and plantain) and kinky (fermented corn mash).
retreat- had speakers talking about the law, how to assess and plan in a parish, the Presby Police Chaplain, diocesan treasurer, and our Bishop.
Need to remember that annual physicals are not the order of the day as if one feels well, then there is nothing wrong AND why ask for trouble ie getting a diagnosis that has not started to be painful or bothersome, The Bishop and his Wife , Mother Felicia organized this testing, think about it, if folks do not come for testing then take the testing to them.
also had a breast examination clinic for the wives
Lawyer: William Orleans Oduro - a great smile eh!
No water or hydro today so no trip to the market, no laundry (great!) all saved for another day!!!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
On retreat re leadership, with clergy and their wives, Tuesday pm until Friday noon. I have some sort of cellulitis/swelling and it is red, on my face so started antibiotics, it hurts and is itchy, I look like I have been punched actually but that is not true. so I am back in my room, resting from the lectures for this morning. Its weird, never had something like this before. I hope it is gone soon. I am quite a sight.
Monday, February 10, 2014
second green chasuble, do you want one???
I had a second green chasuble and stole delivered today to bring back to Canada which I think is quite lovely. it was made through The Anglican Order of the Holy Paraclette here in Sunyani with Sr. Mavis in charge of the sewing programme. I spoke with her this morning and she would be glad to fill any orders that I received. It can be any of the church colours, one size fits all and the cost would be $75.00 Canadian which by Canadian prices is a GREAT DEAL! All the money will go to the sewing programme. I would be willing to bring back any that were ordered when I return after Easter. SO if you would like one or would like to order one for someone you know, please let me know the colour and it shall be made for you. Orders can be left at, with name, address, phone, and which colour you are requesting. The green is a light gabardine with panel of cotton Kente print cloth hanging loose from the neck edge in front and back. The stole has a cord at the neck back and is made of the same print cloth design.
front and back panel hang free from the neck seam
front and back panel hang free from the neck seam
Sunday, February 9, 2014
priests are workers bees in the church
not sleep well, a little nervous celebrating, it went ok, so this was my morning, 7am preach and celebrate, 845 lead a 30 minutes Bible study with 25 participants on What do you tell a new Christian (follow up from the Crusade last week) second service ends at 1130, that is the earliest ever so home quick, time for nap :) :) :) NOW ... needed to go back to old format as I could not figure out how to start a new posting, maybe I will learn from my computer expert when I get home (I am sure Tanya will figure it out)
NICE EH!!! |
Saturday, February 8, 2014
The cathedral held a Crusade in a community that does not have a church. The community is down a road that reminded me of the tracks that one sees in s farmer's field, no gravel, no grading just ruts and pot holes. It was Wed, Thurs and Friday evening. held in a field, a couple hundred chairs, sound equipment, video equipment all transported from the cathedral. maybe 20 or so cathedral parishioners, wardens, Praise singing team, clergy and the bishop were there for Friday evening, it reminded me of a drive in theater, with chairs instead of the cars and the big screen. Some preliminary outreach was done through one parishioner who lives in the area, now a team will go out each Sunday, hold services and see whether a group gathers who would be the beginnings of a congregation. Wow, it was interesting to see maybe a dozen standing at the edge of the darkness, watching, along with maybe 100 or so sitting, lots of kids running back and forth, Program each night was singing, a sermon, and praying. It will be interesting to me to follow how this works out in the long run. I gather this is how they church plant in the diocese. They will try to get a catechist to lead the group in getting established. very interesting...
Green chasuble at last!
it arrived and I will wear it Sunday
I am sure you noticed I have changes the format ...
trying to set up something with a difference ... time will tell if it can work
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
phone lived to see another day
took phone to Samsung store and it is working now for 10 GC ($5) and I got a parking ticket as well, so paid on the spot (50 Pesewas) 100 pesewas =1 Ghana cedi and 2 GC = $1.00 so it was a very cheap ticket
Monday, February 3, 2014
Electronics - blessing or curse
I dropped my phone in a bucket of water yesterday, it fell out of my blouse pocket when I bent over, not in the water more that 3 seconds, so it shuts off and comes on without prompting, other than that it seems to works so during the night it sang its song a few times. The panic at having no phone was surprising to me. How would I call anyone, or get calls, and my alarm clock is gone.
Kumasi - there and back
need new robe so ordered from robe maker in Kumasi, will be white like the two men who were installed as Canons a few weeks ago and a green chasuble with stole decorated with Kente cloth
Kente cloth has its origin with the Ashanti Kingdom, and was adopted by people in Ivory Coast and many other West African counties. It is an Akan royal and sacred cloth worn only in times of extreme importance and was the cloth of kings. Over time, the use of kente became more widespread. However, its importance has remained and it is held in high esteem with Akan
Dean kindly drove but had Car noise on way home ???? stopped at mechanics and it was deemed a minor situation, but when the Dean speeded up it made its noise so he concluded that it was to remind him ...not to speed....
Dean kindly drove but had Car noise on way home ???? stopped at mechanics and it was deemed a minor situation, but when the Dean speeded up it made its noise so he concluded that it was to remind him ...not to speed....
Sunday, February 2, 2014
canadian belly
church was shortened for me with my reacting Canadian stomach, lasted the first service and went home for a pit stop and got to the peace in the second and left to "lay down". have not had this happened much this time but today the afternoon was more pleasant than the morning, after service Bishop and his Chaplain came to check and Bishop with a smile asked it he should order an ambulance ha ha ... it rights itself with time. oh hum such is the way here sometimes
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