Tuesday, June 22, 2010


plane schedulled t leave at 505pm Sunday, and then about 430 the overhead voice informed us that the plane needed repair and they were making ready another plane soooo a delay
- 730 we boarded and drove around rhe runways only to be told that we needed to go back to the gate to have a small repair done
- left Toronto at 955pm ..off to Tel Aviv
- 11 hours in the little seats at the back of the plane makes one weary and out of sorts, now all the seats were the same size but not much room regardless
- in TelAviv around 8is on monday actually 3pm Israeli time,got luggage and on the bus for Jerusalem
-At St, George's College by 5 and informed that the Eucharist in the cathedral at 6, followed by a reception and then dinner I WAS DEAD BEAT AND MAKING NICE WAS NOT ON MY LIST OF THINGS TO DO but one does what one must, so I did
Bed by 9pm, it felt soooooo good to lay down
all in all Thanks be to God to arrive !!!


  1. a repaired airplane is much better than an unrepaired one. It would have been nice if they'd repaired it before they put it into service and loaded it with people.

  2. we feel for you! travelling can be such fun and the unexpected makes for great stories to share . s and r mayo

  3. what would a trip be without the bumps in the road to make the stories
