Friday, June 25, 2010


The Wall: this divides Israeliis from Palestineans, Palestinean families from each other, workers from their work, friends from each other. It is 8 metres high and 600 km long surrounding Palestinean communities like a jail. The check points to come to Jerusalem are all controlled by Israeliis and some check points take 2 hours to pass through. One employee here at St. George's College gets up at 4am to be at work for 7 as the check point may take two hours and the driving in maybe 30 minutes.
Going through the wall is the only way to get to Bethlehem. The wall limits the Palestinean economy very severly. I saw the Berlin Wall in ' 69 and this has many similarities. As you see in ther picture graffitti with words and pictures critical of its presence.
It seems as though I can not add another pictures so I will start another blog entry.


  1. and here i thought TO had it bad with all the G8/G20 security hype!! t

  2. To has nothing on 18 year olds with machine guns, finger on the trigger walking through the bus for ???? reason at the check point

  3. you should see the riots, fires, tear gas, broken windows, questionable arrests, among everything else...just heard the US choppers go by 1/2 - 1 hr ago...ttc & GO shut down in the core, glad i don't live down there...
