Monday, June 28, 2010


Standing at the top of Wadi Qelt, looking as far as the eye can see, brown desert +++++++.

a camel braying behind us , if camels bray ??? grungy fur hanging off it and it was tied to a concrete block, not idealized camel with the wise person from the East, never the less the desert took priority, imagining walking in the desert for 40 days and nights,m being tempted, refusing the tempts, no road signs, no Tim Hortons, just desert and more desert, I can not comprehend a journey like that.
From that to lunch by the Sea of Galilee, then on to a wonderful german pilgrim's "haus".
A day of contrasts and and surprises.
and an end of day to a full moon over the Sea of Galilee, beyond words.

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