Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Golgatha, Mount of Olives. Chapel of Agony


Seeing the last hours of our Lord in location and through scripture being read, emphasizes the gift that we have been given.

Golgatha, not looking like the religious books portray it, imperfect rock left in a quarry because of imperfections was the site of crucifixtions for the Roman.

Mount of Olives with some trees very old, dark spaces between the trees, places to rest, in today's time, a mojor highway going down the Kidron Valley through Jerusalem (like the DVP through Toronto)

The Chapel of Agony, a cell in the depths from the the era of the Romans, steps that could have been walked by our Lord to the cell and out of it to His death.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Mount Tabor
The site that is visited as where the Transfiguration was thought to have taken place. beautiful church and a wonderful panoramic view of the country. The vistas are beyond imagination and to think that this is the Holy Land is like icing on the cake.
Nazareth, had lunch, there are two sites that are thought to be where the Annunciation took place, one by a well and the other in Mary"s house. I gave a short reflection at the house site.
To be honest it does not really matter as millions of pilgrims has faithfully believe in both sites and I think that the importance is the remembering the event and being faithful.
Coca cola and Staples are alive and well in Nazareth, I bet you thought it was like the Christmas card scenes ----- fooled you!!!!
Back in Jerusalem until we leave on Friday, only 3 more sleeps and I will be home.

Monday, June 28, 2010


The first church is thought to be in St. Peter's house. The ruins and remnants of Peter's house show a space that Jesus visited often to get away fromt he crowds. Among to stones are stray cats skinney as can be, making Noah look like a huge blimp.

Looking out thinking about this place which is the same shore line that the disciples looked at !!!!

Standing in the water of the Sea of Galilee, reaffirming baptismal vows, being sprinkled with the water of Galilee, squishing the sand in the lake between my toes, staring at teh Goland Heights, with Israeli military occupation, all juxtapposed in the same picture, no words.


Standing at the top of Wadi Qelt, looking as far as the eye can see, brown desert +++++++.

a camel braying behind us , if camels bray ??? grungy fur hanging off it and it was tied to a concrete block, not idealized camel with the wise person from the East, never the less the desert took priority, imagining walking in the desert for 40 days and nights,m being tempted, refusing the tempts, no road signs, no Tim Hortons, just desert and more desert, I can not comprehend a journey like that.
From that to lunch by the Sea of Galilee, then on to a wonderful german pilgrim's "haus".
A day of contrasts and and surprises.
and an end of day to a full moon over the Sea of Galilee, beyond words.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Driving from Jerusalem was very pleasant and landing here at this retreat house that is very upscaled and pleasant. Having my feet in the Galilee and knitting a sweater for Ben seems like a ackward fit some how. The sweater may go on the auction block given where it was made I guess. We are going to celebrate the Eucharist by the shore, unbelievable, is it real???I know it is but how to talk about it.
cannt download picture with this internet connection, when I can I will send it.

Saturday, June 26, 2010




The struggle at Masada was lengthy and ended with Herod's troops winning the day but the Zealots stood up for what they believe till their death. The place is 400 meters high and baren as you can get but they lasted for four years. I am impressed with they determination, commitment and a willingness to risk all which in this day and age is not seen often. commendable.


Found in caves in 1947 by a shepherd boy these scolls were ancient manuscripts of the Book of Isaiah, Esther and many other Hebrew works. The most dramatic discovery ever found. The caves are remote and in a desolate part of the land. To me there does not seem to be enough of a ledge to get to the caves but the goats did and so did the boy.


Fun and strangeness in water that has so much boyency (sp). The sea is over 30% salt and is receeding 1 meter a year due to the reduced water coming down the Jordan River (it is being diverted for other places). I have pictures of priest of our diocese to blackmail. I was the bag lady and guarded the clothes and cameras as I had gone in last time I was here.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Watch tower in the wall

Touching the stone

going down the stair to the grotto
The entrance to the Cave where millions have worshipped the birth of Christ is down a narrow starway. As sacred as the space is one needs to be fairly fit to get up and down all the entrances and exits.

Touching the stone that covers the birth place made real the fact a woman gave birth in this place to the Son of God. This humble space has not frills or comfort, just birth in its raw state.

Returning under the watch tower in the wall remids me of the freedom we have to go to and fro without thinking.


The Wall: this divides Israeliis from Palestineans, Palestinean families from each other, workers from their work, friends from each other. It is 8 metres high and 600 km long surrounding Palestinean communities like a jail. The check points to come to Jerusalem are all controlled by Israeliis and some check points take 2 hours to pass through. One employee here at St. George's College gets up at 4am to be at work for 7 as the check point may take two hours and the driving in maybe 30 minutes.
Going through the wall is the only way to get to Bethlehem. The wall limits the Palestinean economy very severly. I saw the Berlin Wall in ' 69 and this has many similarities. As you see in ther picture graffitti with words and pictures critical of its presence.
It seems as though I can not add another pictures so I will start another blog entry.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Temple Mount, Gold Dome Mosque

Long hard day of walking and seeing. Pools of Bethesda, the Gold Dome Mosque, me (in the green shirt) touching the Wailing Wall, the steps of the temple where Simeon waited. There are no words for what it feels like to hear the scripture read and know that you are here in that place. The faithful millions who have walked these ways has worn away the stones and saturated the places with their hope. I am trying to figure out how to talk about it when I get home.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


We were explorers today, divided into groups to explore different quarters of the city of Jerusalem:
Jewish, Christian, Armanian and Moslem.
Our group were assigned the Armanian section. It is very small part of the city, only about 500 people now, they have two churches, a seminary, a school and many shops. It was a challange to work and search from a very inadequate map but we persevered.
We did find a great restaurant for lunch as well.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Herod's Gate

A group of us went for a walk through Herod's Gate into the old city of Jerusalem. Could not find the Damascus Gate in the dark so turned around, streets busy, stores open, someone lit off fireworks???? not know why
more tomorrow

First view of Jerusalm

Jerusalem on first look.
The first hymn in cathedral was Jerusalem the Golden with organ musin playing, very nice.
Weather is warm and humid but bus a/c and so is the college.


plane schedulled t leave at 505pm Sunday, and then about 430 the overhead voice informed us that the plane needed repair and they were making ready another plane soooo a delay
- 730 we boarded and drove around rhe runways only to be told that we needed to go back to the gate to have a small repair done
- left Toronto at 955pm to Tel Aviv
- 11 hours in the little seats at the back of the plane makes one weary and out of sorts, now all the seats were the same size but not much room regardless
- in TelAviv around 8is on monday actually 3pm Israeli time,got luggage and on the bus for Jerusalem
-At St, George's College by 5 and informed that the Eucharist in the cathedral at 6, followed by a reception and then dinner I WAS DEAD BEAT AND MAKING NICE WAS NOT ON MY LIST OF THINGS TO DO but one does what one must, so I did
Bed by 9pm, it felt soooooo good to lay down
all in all Thanks be to God to arrive !!!

Friday, June 18, 2010

trying to figure out how to post pictures

I succeeded in putting a picture up, my goodness I may even get this before I leave the country.


I hate packing, things I will use and things that go back in the cupboard, not touched.
Such is the life of travelling.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The count-down continues

Days until we leave for a 11 hour plane ride fromTo to Tel Aviv airport.
Packing not done, it still seems like a drean, soon it will be a reality.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Still setting up

I am now getting used to how to do this blogging thing. thsi time is out of wack for some reason that is beyond me.

Getting Ready

Setting up the blog to talk about the trip to Israel.