Thursday, November 30, 2023


 Mt go to church black shoes literally fell apart last Sunday, sole flapping from the heel, inners shredded, How did they get soooo bad??? Need something to wear this Sunday but no shoe store in town. the solution is Tuesday, market day, traders come into town selling their wares: shoes being one of them, Ebenezer takes me to the market and asks me to stay in the car. I describe what I want, black loafer,, does not need to be fancy (if a white person is shopping the price will be higher)  who and what you are influences. He gets several pairs, I try them on still in the car, find a pair     and 100 Ghana Cedis I have new shoes.        

                          flapping sole


                                                New shoes, ready for Sunday

Onions; I prefer white onions as they are not as strong as red ones. yesterday looking for onion, found them cost the equivalent of $1.10 for one  WOW, TOOO TOOO MUCH,  got several red ones for $1.10. 

Roasted plantain; some were brought into the office (here if any food of any kind is brought in, it is shared between everyone who is here, yesterday I have a piece of watermelon brought to the house so I would get my share )  back to the plantain, pieces share with all along with peanuts. for me it was lunch. I will try to roast some on the BBQ when I get back and serve it with peanut soup. all welcome!

Sunday, November 26, 2023

15 servers, count them, 15 in total

 my goodness, at the beginning of service,  lining up to enter in there were servers coming out of the woodwork. When I finished the count there were 15 in total. I do not remember ever that many in my past memory here or in Canada.  Here are the troops dancing, not me today, I am being photographer. There were signals being directed at the little ones to get them in place when needed.  


Junior who had surgery last year for an undescended testicle came this pm to visit with his family. He is thriving and full of beans dressing pink pants here with his two sisters the oldest beside Mommy, Lady   Wilma age 7, and her sister leaning on Daddy, Lordina Ackah age 4.  Ebenezer again says thankyou for the support that allowed his son to have the surgery.  

Friday, November 24, 2023

ok help arrived

 Hydro is back, fans are whirling, cool shower….life is good😉

Hydro off

 ,no fan. One flashlight. One handkerchief to mop up the sweat. What more can I say...  it’s hot!

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Worshipping in Cathedral style

 the church was buzzing, servers in red cassocks everywhere, What is happening? Today was the Inauguration of the Servers Guild of the Diocese of Wiawso. Servers from across the diocese had gathered to kick off this new Guild. With the pomp and circumstance that it deserved  Bishop blessed ribbons with medals and then the servers after they had committed to their ministry. The Executive of the Guild was installed along with the President of the Guild. The cathedral was full with about  75 kids in the balcony watching. (remember the day when the Canadian church had lots of kids plus remember that most of the servers are young folks). Church here is still the main gathering centre for worship along with programs, connecting with others, and being part of a group. It is THE place to be on Sunday morning.

Processing in

Getting their ribbons with medals

                                                           The formal after pic

I left the house at 845 and returned at 2pm. Drank 2 litres of water to accommodate the ++++++ perspiring. I am back in the groove.

Friday, November 17, 2023

I have arrived after a very long trip

 I decided this year to save a little money and fly with Brussels Air. stop in Montreal, next Brussels, then it was Accra. I learned that Brussels Air farms out flights so I flew Air Canada for flight one and two and Eurowings. for the third. Lets just say that getting a slice of cherry cake, a small yogurt and a drink for breakfast when landing in Brussels was a surprise. An even greater surprise was a small Dixie cup of ice cream with a small wooden spoon when landing in Accra was the understated snack. I guess my conclusion is that flying KLM is worth the money.

Ebenezer in Accra was there to pick me up at the airport. He suggested rather than going to the hotel for a few hours and taking the bus in the morning I could get the night bus now. So what the heck, it had been 36 hours since I left my apt what is another 10 or 12. Caught the bus, a big discussion about space for , hockey bag, big suitcase and carry on, I guess it was worked out as a ticket was bought and on I got. Usually it is a 8 hour ride, after 8 hours, I have no idea where I am, it is 3 am and the bus is still going, I texted Michael claiming I was lost and I hope the driver knew where we were. Michael calls and I hand someone the phone so they can tell Michael where we are. Another hour and I get tapped that my stop is coming up. I get to the house by 500am, dead beat, left my apt 1030am Tuesday arrive at house 500am Thursday, safe and sound, thank you |Lord.

Today in the office for TGIF Club, my lunch, peanuts, plantain chips and a coke, same every week. back in the groove. Saying hello to everyone and now it feels like I had never left.

Hope to have wifi back tomorrow, now using phone hot spot. the magic of the world today is never ending.