Sunday, March 6, 2022


 tomorrow is the actual Independence Day which was celebrated today. It is a holiday like Canada Day. Today schools marched to a drummer, actually I have been hearing the bass drum being practiced in my neighbourhood for the past month. The marching schools was evaluated and the winners were given trophies. After church the dean, precentor and myself hopped in the car and went to the college playing field for all the festivities, police and army lined up, politicians, chiefs, local and federal leaders. It was like the CNE with food hackers, water for sale. lots and lots of kids and parents, I wondered in the car what the average family size was, and was told average 5 children/ family.  
here are the police lined up with a peak at the trophies at the bottom of the pic.
I have a video with one of the marching kids but can not up load it off the phone (still learning how to get this computer stuff to work)
The internet is a major problem these days, like every day and it becomes a real pain in the neck. I am having problems trying to solve it .....  ugh

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