Sunday, February 24, 2019

Vestry survived

Vestry done for another year. Congregations are the same all over, questions asked, points of view belaboured, financial reports given, prayers offered and at last, it was finished. Sitting on the sidelines was a pleasure, it sure beat sitting in the chair position
so here I am now sitting, watching BBC news, knitting a pale blue sleeve for baby sweater in preparation for the Tuesday class at the Skill Centre, I have to stay at least one step ahead of the fastest knitters. Thanks to all who contributed wool for the centre!!!!
The rooster is outside my window cackling loud for some reason, the goats are rooting at the few blades of greens on the school grounds (the goats come and go most days, I have no idea if they belong to some or not). BBC reports the Pope is addressing head on the sexual misconduct in the church, finally, but the proof will be in the pudding so the saying goes. The world is as busy as ever with good stuff happening and other stuff as well. change occurring, and new info being discovered and then there is Trump, what more can I say

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