Saturday, February 9, 2019

Traditional Wedding Story

A traditional wedding is an arrangement between two families regarding a couple who want to be married. Today at the bride's home the Trad'l Wedding took place.
the setting; pointy roof tents with chairs set up, even though it is not a church service,priests get the front row and offer prayers during the event
Chairs on either side is where the family is seated,  each family on one side facing each other
Then a conversation starts from the groom's family saying they had seen a beautiful flower that they would like to have. Groom's rep on the left and the bride's rep on the right, you can see water, liquor, suitcase with clothes and envelopes with money for the bride being offered as a dowry, the bride's rep did say there was not enough money so more was added (this is staged these days but I think in years past it was not), so when the negotiating for the dowry is finished.

The groom's family then asks that the bride be brought out. 
There was some playing around as to how she was going to arrive, plane, car or walk

Bride (Mercy) was brought out and seat on her family's side facing the groom's family, 
her Mom is the first person on the right.

Mercy was asked three times if she accepted the dowry gifts and then the wedding proceeds
Included in the gifts are the wedding rings and a Bible

all the gifts were blessed by the clergy present

I was asked to bless her and put the wedding ring on her finger

 next the Bible was presented to her

 Now you may be wondering where is the groom (Daniel), 
he is out of the country so his brother is proxy groom for the service

It was followed with envelopes being handed out,
then  announcing of donor's envelope gifts of money plus gift parcels.
The time closed with thank yous and the benediction by a pastor friend of the family.
Upon leaving everyone is given take-away meals, sweets and drinks in a bag.


  1. Isn't it great to see how things are done differently!

  2. it was interesting, Kingsley sat beside me to explain each step
