Sunday, December 30, 2018

this and that as 2018 ends and 2019 in looming

one service today, 3 hours, not too bad, lots of music and dancing

This is the time of year that many take stock thinking, did I do everything I set out to do did somethings I wish I had not, am I the person I am supposed to be, so what is for the next year. 
I remember (before kids when life changes drastically) when New Year's Eve meant a party, dancing, wishing everyone a Happy New Year, tooting the horn all the way home. Then when at Flemingdon Park a service in the Ministry office and a party back at the condo, now church both evening and New Year's Day at a cathedral (who would of thought that Betty would worship at a cathedral, not me), Here folks will come to church and then off to work like every other day. I do not hear many resolutions here, not part of the tradition I hunch, 
I have a new tv cable service and it has many radio stations, right now I am listening the Golden Oldies, Chain Gang with Sam Cooke

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