Saturday, December 22, 2018


maize is laid out on the ground to dry out and have any creepy crawlers say good  bye, then it is put in water to ferment for 3 days, the water is squeezed out and it is taken to be milled, the powder then is mixed with water over a charcoal fire with some cassava to thicken it, when I say mixed, it looks like stirring loose bread dough  for about 45 minutes and water is added to keep it pliable enough to keep stirring, I know now what Ghanaian women have strong arms (like Afia lifting the tote and handing it to me), This dish is served looking like a lump of sour dough in stew or soup or a pepper sauce with fish.  Note the pot is secured with iron hooks one on either side,  the person stirring keeps her feet on the hooks to stabilize the pot on the charcoal burner, the second person has to keep adding the water and fanning the charcoal so it remains red hot.


  1. Hi Maureen
    I can not answer with my Canada phone so good you commented here.
    Have a peaceful Christmas time
    and thanks for writing
