Thursday, December 13, 2018

Funeral for the late Noah Agyei

It was held in Donko-Nkwanta (about 2 hours from the cathedral), means a 5 am departure … as my phone rang to wake me up I looked at the phone and it read 515am, NO cant be possible as we are leaving at 5 but it was, I had slept through 2 alarms, I shouted '5 minutes' and I jumped to dress, maybe I took 8 minutes, thank goodness I leave beside the cathedral, (and thankfully I get ready the night before, bag packed and clothes laid out), stuff was still being packed on the roof racks of the bus when I got there,
some scenes I passed on the way: 5-6 sheep tied together to the roof racks standing on the top of an extended van on the way to market, owner one of the many who filled the inside,  a young lad lathering himself up for a shower at the village water pipe beside the edge of the road, several men walking along the road with machetes out to cut wood for the family,  50 pound bags full of charcoal at the road waiting for pick up to sell, chickens with chicks pecking for food, children in uniform walking to school (remember the time is 6-7 am)
Arrived around 845am, funeral started at 9, this was held in a village square as the local church was too small, the usual pointed roof tents around the perimeter, many were there to support the family including the chief and his entourage

 the body lying in state with wreaths surrounding the casket
Noah was the first born of the just retired Dean Num of the cathedral and Mother Mercy. he leaves his wife who is pregnant with their first child. The service was the Anglican Funeral Rite

Music came from two source:
the choir from the cathedral
and from a band  
When the service was completed, the casket was loaded on the ambulance (no funeral coach car) so  with siren blaring, drove slowly to the cemetery followed by the band walking and playing and by most of the congregation, the walk was a few kms, I fortunately was offered a ride about 1/4 of the way, Interment and back to the village square and then to the Mission House (Rectory) for lunch, back to the square, (I found out that the family remained at the square to greet visitors and would not eat until all visitors had left)
THEN on the bus and home. A lovely tribute to a young man.

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