Monday, December 31, 2018

2019 is here! Happy New Year!

its 130am in the new year, just got in from an 8pm Watchnight Service.
Interesting welcoming of the new year , most of  lights out with only candles on the altar, clergy and servers in front of the altar on knees (clergy any way) , choir joined with parishioners, Dean read a bidding prayer which took until midnight when the praying by congregation got louder until celebrating the new year. The Peace shared followed with offertory (dancing and singing) and the Eucharistic Prayer  was started. Very interesting new year welcome!!!   and we are back for 9am mass,  

Sunday, December 30, 2018

this and that as 2018 ends and 2019 in looming

one service today, 3 hours, not too bad, lots of music and dancing

This is the time of year that many take stock thinking, did I do everything I set out to do did somethings I wish I had not, am I the person I am supposed to be, so what is for the next year. 
I remember (before kids when life changes drastically) when New Year's Eve meant a party, dancing, wishing everyone a Happy New Year, tooting the horn all the way home. Then when at Flemingdon Park a service in the Ministry office and a party back at the condo, now church both evening and New Year's Day at a cathedral (who would of thought that Betty would worship at a cathedral, not me), Here folks will come to church and then off to work like every other day. I do not hear many resolutions here, not part of the tradition I hunch, 
I have a new tv cable service and it has many radio stations, right now I am listening the Golden Oldies, Chain Gang with Sam Cooke

Saturday, December 29, 2018

time flies

I can't believe I last was here was Tuesday and now its Saturday (cleaning day in this house)
yesterday I was invited to the Bishop's as his latest granddaughter was being named.
Maia is her first name.
baby is given with a spoon, water and sprite (could use alcohol) symbolizing things look the same but can be very different ( between the light and dark of the world)

Mommy and Daddy with their son and daughter

Everyone on the steps of the Mission House (rectory, Bishop's Court)
with Bishop and Mother Superior with grand daughter in front

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Last night started with lighting the fire, the coming of the light and symbolic of the fire that the shepherds would have had.I am looking over Canon Eramus' shoulder to see Dean (has red trimmed cope) saying the prayers before the fire is lit

Then comes the blessing of the creche with lots of smoke
 and through the tinsel is the creche
next was the Sunday School
many had memorized verses, a group did a dance that was very good,

the angels visited Mary
 and the end was Mary with the baby

Christmas Day Supper
Gifty and I, Sarah behind Gifty and Elizabeth behind me, 
Sarah is working and needed a room whereas Elizabeth is learning how to sew,
 I love Elizabeth's dress (Gifty made it of course)

Monday, December 24, 2018


can't get on line with wifi so using hot spot on my phone, will write more when wifi reconnects
I wish everyone a peaceful Christmas and a healthy 2019!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2018


maize is laid out on the ground to dry out and have any creepy crawlers say good  bye, then it is put in water to ferment for 3 days, the water is squeezed out and it is taken to be milled, the powder then is mixed with water over a charcoal fire with some cassava to thicken it, when I say mixed, it looks like stirring loose bread dough  for about 45 minutes and water is added to keep it pliable enough to keep stirring, I know now what Ghanaian women have strong arms (like Afia lifting the tote and handing it to me), This dish is served looking like a lump of sour dough in stew or soup or a pepper sauce with fish.  Note the pot is secured with iron hooks one on either side,  the person stirring keeps her feet on the hooks to stabilize the pot on the charcoal burner, the second person has to keep adding the water and fanning the charcoal so it remains red hot.

Friday, December 21, 2018


back this afternoon, TEMP TODAY 34 c, going down to 21c tonight brrrr need the blanket   lol
You know have things that you should have done or studied, my latest is the Word program in order for me to able to be creative in making a newsletter for the bishop. oh well hunt and peck will have to do.


Thursday, December 20, 2018

BIG DAY ! beside work

still no water but the good news it that someone goes to fill the pail for me from the polytank

got nails done. a nice place off an alley near the market, got the lead from Sally who has several stores here and in Accra so knows where things of this nature are
 a cupboard was delivered that I had made to get the microwave off the counter and
 to sit the 2 burner hot plate on, spiffy or what

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

still no water

oh hum, the water in the pail works barely

trying to find a place to get my nails done, such a 1st world problem.

Daniel dropped in to get ideas for him to design cloth for me to bring back to Canada
He made a dress for a friend"s and he has her letter of thanks in his hand which thrilled him immensely to receive.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

hydro off earlier and now the water so the pail of water will suffice

sink update,  no further sign of the plumber but I think I may have been misinformed as I now use the sink and it is not leaking so maybe it is fixed, time will tell.

Bishop's mother died and the funeral is the first week of January,  there was a particular cloth that could be purchased to show support for the family, it is black and white as she was elderly and it shows respect for her age, she was 85years. Gifty is making me an outfit for me to wear to the funeral.

Monday, December 17, 2018

and the beat goes on

sink still not fixed

decorated for xmas: I was late as I could not lift down the tote where the decorations were,  Afia went up the ladder, put the tote on her head and came down the ladder and handed it to me
so my decorations are up now !!!!!!!




Sunday, December 16, 2018

only in Ghana

Sunday morning, up and ready in robes to leave for church for 7am service, knock on the door and it is the plumber with Ata, neighbour, had a leaking bathroom sink for a while, so show them in and leave Ata the key and I'm off to church. during the service I get key back as plumber has gone to the market to buy parts. still no sink but soon it will be fixed

Naming ceremony

There were two Naming Ceremonies this Saturday morning. I was so caught up with the first one, a little girl, Corinna, that I forgot about pics.
The naming is done when the baby is quite young usually. These two were held in the home with relatives and invited guests. It includes prayers of welcome, a short homily, the official naming by the priest, comments by family members, ending with prayers, about 1 hour.
The second one I woke up and here are some pics
This baby girl is two weeks only and her name is Akosug (she was born on a Sunday), Ourisuaa (after her Auntie of the same name), Kwarteng Amaning(her family name)
                                                    with namesake auntie

sharing my chesterfield
                                                        with grandma and Fr. Eramus

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Funeral for the late Noah Agyei

It was held in Donko-Nkwanta (about 2 hours from the cathedral), means a 5 am departure … as my phone rang to wake me up I looked at the phone and it read 515am, NO cant be possible as we are leaving at 5 but it was, I had slept through 2 alarms, I shouted '5 minutes' and I jumped to dress, maybe I took 8 minutes, thank goodness I leave beside the cathedral, (and thankfully I get ready the night before, bag packed and clothes laid out), stuff was still being packed on the roof racks of the bus when I got there,
some scenes I passed on the way: 5-6 sheep tied together to the roof racks standing on the top of an extended van on the way to market, owner one of the many who filled the inside,  a young lad lathering himself up for a shower at the village water pipe beside the edge of the road, several men walking along the road with machetes out to cut wood for the family,  50 pound bags full of charcoal at the road waiting for pick up to sell, chickens with chicks pecking for food, children in uniform walking to school (remember the time is 6-7 am)
Arrived around 845am, funeral started at 9, this was held in a village square as the local church was too small, the usual pointed roof tents around the perimeter, many were there to support the family including the chief and his entourage

 the body lying in state with wreaths surrounding the casket
Noah was the first born of the just retired Dean Num of the cathedral and Mother Mercy. he leaves his wife who is pregnant with their first child. The service was the Anglican Funeral Rite

Music came from two source:
the choir from the cathedral
and from a band  
When the service was completed, the casket was loaded on the ambulance (no funeral coach car) so  with siren blaring, drove slowly to the cemetery followed by the band walking and playing and by most of the congregation, the walk was a few kms, I fortunately was offered a ride about 1/4 of the way, Interment and back to the village square and then to the Mission House (Rectory) for lunch, back to the square, (I found out that the family remained at the square to greet visitors and would not eat until all visitors had left)
THEN on the bus and home. A lovely tribute to a young man.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018




hot dogs, salads, varied drinks and great company!    SUCCESS
lots of laughs, with a few somber moments as two are leaving Sunday, these young people are at the start of their lives with an experience of life immersed in a culture so different than back home.  They said that to be able to describe Ghana is not possible in its entirety, words do not say what it feels live to be part of life here, life here is a myriad of similarities of life back home with a cultural difference that adds flavour that sometimes is confusing and other times comforting.
enough said here they are.

   notice daring Franka

Monday, December 10, 2018

no internet since Thursday

the sim card for my internet was broken, I thought the system was down,  anyway new sim card and I am back in business.  lots to tell you but it will need to be later today as I have getting ready to host the HOT DOG FEST this afternoon, you know  like a bbq with lots of food along with hot dogs, got hot dog buns made, they are better but a bit too long, next HOT DAY FEST they will be perfect
talk later, the German students for this year start to leave next Sunday for home.

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

getting organized after a time away

things fall apart and deteriorate while away 
*the outer wall in the bedroom has the rain soak through so the paint flakes off and looks awful.
had a painter in today to 
* curtains just need replacing

* hot plate died (5 years old  I guess it was ok) so bought a two  burner one this time.

* invited Moses (carpenter) to build a microwave stand to accommodate the hot plate, microwave on a shelf below, a shelf to keep trays on and a space at the bottom to keep bags of sachets of water, stay posted for the result
* Moses makes lamps for hotels and high end shops so I brought the electrical parts from Canada so he can make two for me to bring back, design is up to him, I look forward to seeing the finished product
cant get pics transferred...later
You know it is somewhat like when the cottage is opened for the season.
Hot dogs
the young German volunteers teaching at local schools are going home soon so a HOT DOG FEST is in order next week, hot dogs in the freezer, found the baker to make the buns, Franka has found pickled cucumber, and I bought back mustard (French's) and ketchup (Heinz) from Canada
Now just need to set the date and the HIT DOG FEST WILL HAPPEN.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Sadness in the Cathedral

The retired Dean Num and family was very saddened when their son died yesterday. He had been ill for a while but his death was unexpected. He leaves a wife who was pregnant with their first child. The community gathered around the family last night, singing and praying at the family home. It was comforting to see the love and support from all.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Monday Monday

Internet charged and paid for but not figure out the new connection code, using the data on the phone for the moment, tired all weekend but today I feel that I will live. Church yesterday was great, singing and drumming, can't ask for much more.