Wednesday, February 10, 2016

the adventure continues

Mother Felicia wanted me to get my foot checked at the Orthopedic Clinic at St. John's Hospital in Nkwanta (about 40 minutes from Sunyani) so off we went, OPD Clinics seem to be quite universal in method, everybody comes and then is seen first come first serve, so there were more than 200 folks in the waiting room in differing stages of the process, Mother registered me, wait, get vital signs checked, wait, see Doc, he looks at my xrays from last week and determines that there is a second fracture, outer ankle which was detected last week and he sees that the bottom of the fibula (the inner bone of the lower leg) is fractured as well (this accounts for the extensive bruising in the area of the inner ankle and the unaccountable pain) so I guess I was not imagining it, he refers me to an orthopedic specialist in this same clinic, I do not wait but see him, Rx below the knee cast for 6 weeks, not weight bearing for 3 weeks and return in 6 weeks, .... crap...  a cast, the first one I have ever had, one that I really don't want BUT off to fracture clinic to get cast, Mother Felicia does the running around to pay for the cast, wait, outside plaster room there are several babies with leg casts (this is a clinic for clubbed feet and these very little ones are getting this condition fixed so their feet will be normal) Get the plaster on, they are very professional and capable, get a shoe to use when I can weight bear and back to original doc, get name of pain meds to take, off to get meds at pharmacy and back home, 
What can I say, need a walker for three weeks to get around, and here....   I continue to sit ....
     Mother Superior Felicia and I on the way to the car

started decorating the cast:
 it is not practice here to decorate or sign the cast 
so am starting a new tradition