Thursday, February 4, 2016

I tried out the hospital system today

 I was leaving the ATM, looking to where the taxi had moved to and fell into an uncovered sewer opening, actually there are many of them with no cover, (remember I drove into one a while back)
so I fell into the hole, one leg down and the other hit the concrete lip, Pain .... went to hospital where Mother Felicia works as a nurse anesthetist, the short version is that after xray, broke a bone in my ankle.
Because the Municipal Hospital does not treat orthopedics, usually the patient is sent to another hospital for treatment, but it so happened there was a doc visiting from Kumasi who could put on a back slab and wrap with flannel bandage as the foot is very swollen and bruised, It meant someone needed to go out and buy the supplies needed for the back slab,   because I have used a plastic cast boot years ago, same foot by the way, Tanya has sent it to me and it should be here by the 10th which means by the time the back slab comes off I can go directly to the boot instead of a plaster cast to my knee, WOW what a way to spend the day, it aches now like a tooth ache but not bad actually, using crutches is a challenge so I hope I don't fall if I lose my balance as they are tricky to me.