Saturday, February 27, 2016


Mother Doris, head mistress of St. Anselms Primary School (located on the cathedral grounds) has been sharing with me the fact that the school receives very limited resources from the government to manage the school. Chalk .. needed every day in the six class rooms is on short supply as there is never enough.  SO 
I wondered how many plastic totes (great to ship goods as can be used for another purpose when empty so,  how many totes would it take to ship 300 boxes of chalk. The result would be that there would be chalk available for the whole school year.  If you would like to be part of gathering chalk in plastic totes, I would make sure it was shipped to Ghana, let me know


  1. How difficult is it to get chalk there? If it is available there, wouldn't it be cheaper to fund locally rather than ship from Canada?

  2. I will the price as I do not know, you may be right
    will get back to you, good question
