Friday, February 12, 2016

busy day

like Grand Central Station, anyone who comes is to visit can expect to be asked do small jobs, like move the floor fan, move dirty dishes to the bathroom, wash dirty dishes, move things from here to there, help themselves to drinks in the fridge, it has become a do it your self visiting place, all the while I sit like Little Miss Muffit, sitting on her tuffet, on one level it is very helpful, on another I would really like to be doing it myself  BUT not so, leg and ankle feel much better in the cast,(cast is getting loose so the swelling must be going down) so I guess it was the right course of action even though it complicates life. I am getting quite adept with the walker, I guess I can put it on my resume for when  I get disabled and need to use it all the time, I think I would get one with a seat as that way you would be able to move things like dishes or parcels on the seat, I have a bag fastened to the front bar to carry stuff around at the moment.
Had a meeting in Bishop's office so he sent the driver with the car to drive me there and back, I will admit I probably, actually I know, I would never have made it with the walker, now one trip to the bathroom and back puts me into a 20 minute rest and it is only about 15 feet. Well goodness knows what tomorrow will bring....

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