Thursday, February 15, 2024

First time on 30 years

 I first came to Ghana in the spring of 1994. I have always been cautious that I not get into any trouble that would pose a danger to me. The house I live in has bars on every window like most houses here in town. My apartment in Sunyani was the same. I have been warned that thieves can reach in through the bars to take anything that is close to the window. 

So I was woke up early Monday morning, like around 3am and saw through my window a 3 inch diameter  long tree branch with sticky tape on the end picking up my I pad that was beside me on the bed.  (I am known for my repertoire of 4 letter words) so I grabbed the stick and pulled it into my bedroom along with letting a rip of 4  letter  words fly out the window. I was pleased that my I pad was safe but realize later that my new phone was gone off the dresser.  Could not go back to sleep so the 24 hour news channel out of Paris, France 24, kept me company until day light when  I went next door to Dean's house to report this happening. I have not done an all nighter for many years. Everyone is upset that it happened. It has been an interesting week since listening to similar situations. 

Security around the house has been evaluated, exterior lights have been replaced and will be on all night,  a system of immobilizing the sliding windows has been developed. New phone purchased with a backup phone in the drawer.  

All is well again, I am safe, and my stuff is secure, but it was a little jarring to say the least.

As annoying and upsetting as this was, I feel that this incident needs to be kept in perspective, first time in 30 years, I am fine and my house is more secure. 


  1. Glad you are safe and able to keep in perspective. Guard and protect prayers and for the person who found it necessary to steal.

  2. It is a reminder how poverty increases desperation.

  3. I continue with the fact I have bought a very cheap phone, no fancy aps etc. that I will keep in the drawer that it for some reason my phone is not available or working I can call for assistance.
