Thursday, February 8, 2024

a long story

 the Anglican Primary School next door to the diocese has looked shabby for many years. The government claims free schooling here but only gives funds for teachers and very little else so building maintenance is left undone. When I had a conversation with the new Headmistress  Millicent she claimed the enrollment is low because the school does not have fencing on the playground the the buildings badly need to be painted She drew up a proposal and the startup funding was found so the project has started.

The project is in 3 phases; level the playground, erect a chain link fence with metal posts in concrete, paint the buildings inside and out

Pictures will tell the tale. 



one Sunday the chain saw worked from 6am to dark around 6pm, a front end loader pushed the trees over and the whole playground was leveled. Now the kids play soccer every day until dark with sticks for goal posts and sometimes chalk to line the goal areas.  Will keep you posted as to the progress with the fence and painting. Still need funds for fence and paint, if you would like to assist, cheques to 52 Belmont Ave. Hamilton L8L 7M1.A  I can not give tax receipts.

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