Thursday, February 8, 2024

a short story

 I have used a sewing machine since the age of 10, my maternal grandmother was a sewer (worked a sweat shop on Spadina for many years making undergarments for ladies, one day they asked her age and she was 74 yrs. so they had her retire, much to her dismay), anyway, she taught me how to use a sewing machine which was a treadle. So I have used a machine for many years. All this preamble to the fact that I had a sewing machine shipped this year that I had been given from Jane. The hydro here is 220 and in Canada it is 110 so a step down is needed to use it here. Finally last week I got a step down and last night decided to put everything together to sew. The step down was fine but it took me two hours including finding the manual on google (thanks for inventing google, it saves the day and my sanity often) to thread the machine. Frustrating to say the least BUT I won and it work like a charm.

Now what did I do before the machine in the past years....... staples to the rescue. I shortened my sheer curtains by running a line of staples along. It may be primitive but it works!

step down - 220 w.  electricity from the wall plug is downgraded to be 110w
                    when it gets to the sewing machine

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