Saturday, January 13, 2024

Ordination PART 2

 It was a little different than what I have experience in Canada. Each ordinant was blessed by every priest before the group huddle of laying on of hands,

Then the group huddle when the bishop lays his hands on the candidate along with all the priests.. When the candidates were now priests, the meet with the registrar (a lawyer makes the candidate to repeat the document that outlines the responsibilities of the priest to the bishop and the diocese and the Church of West Africa. Each of these  actions take considerable time. Offertory here is a time when a leader shouts different amounts of money for a particular cause  1000 Cedis, repeating until no one comes forward, then 500 Cedis, and on the way down to 1 or 2 cedis. Then the cause changes and the process repeats. This took one hour.  so the service marched on to the sermon, then the regular offertory, Eucharist, the announcements. This is   vital at each service to give notice of meetings, services, families celebrating special events, ( there are no bulletins each week, many can not  use internet, so all announcements are documented in the log book. It is critical part of the service,) 

Two new priest and one deacon, 

                        Rev. Fr. Bernard Twum, Rev. Fr. John Anyemah and Rev. Frank Owuse.

Left the house at 650am and arrived back at 430pm, yep and the good news was that I got a take-away meal to bring home....NO COOKING TONIGHT      Next ordination is 2 weeks today


  1. Looks amazing Betty. Congratulations to the newly ordained. Happy New Year to you. Keep well and safe.

  2. Yea I happened to be around as a co organist

  3. Yea Victor !!!!! who plays at the cathedral as a volunteer.
