Tuesday, January 30, 2024


 I think even when away one needs a day off. Last Saturday was another 6 hour ordination (got take away meal so no cooking 😀),   +   Sunday a 3.5 hour morning service SO I took Monday off - very nice to have a day off even as a volunteer. cooking, laundry and reading   very nice day...

Thursday, January 25, 2024

A treat called Sweet Kenkey

 Kenkey: I have told the story many times. The first trip to Ghana in 1994 I  was serv ed supper and began to eat it with a spoon while the family eat with their right hand. It was the grosses food I had ever eaten. Trying to figure out what it was, I was told it was corn and my response was ' how come it does not taste like corn'. Kenkey is fermented white corn. So for the next 20 years I declared kenkey on the no eat list.. 

Last year I was introduced to Sweet Kenkey. I was very hesitant to try it given my long ago experience but I did . I was quite pleasant and reminded my of  the consistency of Camembert, a little rubbery. 

This long intro was to say that I have Sweet Kenkey last night as a snack, I just cut off small pieces to eat until it is all gone. mmmm good. It was wrapped in leaves (no plastic wrap to recycle), and put in a black plastic bag, everything is put in a black plastic bag to take home.


                                                                                               READY TO ENJOY

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Hump Day

Wednesday starts the ending of the week. When I am given 'stuff' to bring to Ghana, I never really know what is in the bag. Most of the stuff of very very useful, wanted, and needed; linens, clothing, jewelry, bags, and once in a while something sneaks in that does not fit in these categories. This time a toy came that I knew would make the happy time in the diocesan office. We had a discussion as to what this thing actually was. Dominic makes it look simple. 

So instead of putting banana on a peanut butter sandwich, do it in reverse.  lol

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Ordination PART 2

 It was a little different than what I have experience in Canada. Each ordinant was blessed by every priest before the group huddle of laying on of hands,

Then the group huddle when the bishop lays his hands on the candidate along with all the priests.. When the candidates were now priests, the meet with the registrar (a lawyer makes the candidate to repeat the document that outlines the responsibilities of the priest to the bishop and the diocese and the Church of West Africa. Each of these  actions take considerable time. Offertory here is a time when a leader shouts different amounts of money for a particular cause  1000 Cedis, repeating until no one comes forward, then 500 Cedis, and on the way down to 1 or 2 cedis. Then the cause changes and the process repeats. This took one hour.  so the service marched on to the sermon, then the regular offertory, Eucharist, the announcements. This is   vital at each service to give notice of meetings, services, families celebrating special events, ( there are no bulletins each week, many can not  use internet, so all announcements are documented in the log book. It is critical part of the service,) 

Two new priest and one deacon, 

                        Rev. Fr. Bernard Twum, Rev. Fr. John Anyemah and Rev. Frank Owuse.

Left the house at 650am and arrived back at 430pm, yep and the good news was that I got a take-away meal to bring home....NO COOKING TONIGHT      Next ordination is 2 weeks today

Ordination for 2 priests and 1 transitional deacon PART 1

 Well it has been quite a Saturday, up at 6 to pick up point by 7am, picked up at 730 but who is noticing. arrive at 830 for an 830 service  WOW but it starts by 915. Fir me it is quite moving to see the priests gather, all with red chasubles. Tradition carrying the faith.

This church is not finished being built but is used. The floor is dirt with stones of various sizes covered with a tarp or rug or just dirt. I found it difficult to manage and was hanging on to the next person's arm to stay right side up. See altar is a table that rests on stone blocks. Like I said, a work still in process.

lots of spaces for windows, through one I see a palm tree, through another see bananas growing. Well Toto, we are not is Kansas. Being here becomes common place but today I was struck while looking out the window spaces.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Elizabeth telling a story

 Elizabeth was born at 31 weeks (40 weeks normal pregnancy length), in NICU for 12 weeks Now she is 5 months gaining and progressing like a house on fire.  

Have a look .......

Monday, January 8, 2024

A government holiday to rest.

 time to make soup, peanut soup and wash my cassock. Heaven must have peanut soup on the menu as this soup is heavenly.

2 bowls of soup with crusty brown bread, nothing gets better.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

an Artist

 I received a gift last night from a dentistry student who was supported in his educational efforts from the generous support I received last year in memory of an Angel called Eleanor.

This pencil drawing is his other passion. What do you think??77

Friday, January 5, 2024

Lazy lazy week

 not doing much, reading (thank God for ebooks), laundry of course, and eating. Office closed until the 3rd and again on this coming Monday Constitution Day (holiday to recognize the country's efforts to sustain the 4th republic over the years).  schools open on the 9th * longer times for each holiday here for school and not the long two months like in Canada). I live on a lane that has schools at either end so lots of traffic when school is in. 

Bishop censing altar in the 31st. We use lots of smells and bells here.

TGIF  ..... today is the day that I wear traditional clothing and we all have take out lunch, mine is peanuts, plantain chips and a coke (how is that for nutrition), mmmmmmm good