Wednesday, March 8, 2023



A school holiday to celebrate the country's 66th anniversary. Ghana was the first country on the African continent to become independent.  Yea Ghana 🎉 

Bands, kids marching, awards distributed, demonstrations of army marching maneuvers and crowds clapping and cheering

A poignant moment for me what when a band member (dressed with white shirt and black pants uniform) was marching and saluting the dignitaries by himself. At first is seemed out of place to say the least but as I watched him I realized that he was a band member who marched with the band but no instrument but filled the ranks. The acceptance and applause for his marching was loud and enthusiastic. As he marched by, with the band later it was apparent he had Downs Syndrome. I applaud the band that opened their ranks to include a non musical playing member who brings enthusiasm and energy.     The one that brings enthusiasm is third from the left on this side of the group.

School marching in formation

Dignitaries making their speeches (unfortunately the PA system was not working so the event for me was a visual only event, like watch tv with the sound off at times)

The chiefs and their wives 

Is he asking 'why are YOU sitting beside ME?'. 

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