Thursday, March 30, 2023

Drum got a carrier bag



Tuesday, March 28, 2023

A story to tell...

 Last spring a friend was dying and did not want flowers but prefered money be put in a Gofundme acct for me to use for ministry in Ghana. I have had many opportunities to complete needed projects as a result. The latest was support for repair roofing in the Mission House (rectory)



Monday, March 20, 2023


 This little guy just had surgery to correct an undescended testicle,, all fixed now. 

cute eh!

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

The saying ' a snowball's chance in hell' occured

A Snowball in Ghana

in my house, think of that, a snowball .in Ghana .....

electricity off for a couple of hours is for me a signal that it is time to defrost the freezer part of the refrigerator hence a snowball of ice from the freezer. The fact that it was midnight did not count as when electricity returns, no more scraping the ice off.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Food, glorious food ♬♫

 Foods that add to my meal planning (I do not do meal planning, that statement is a laugh)

NKYEKYERA    nchechra (5 Ghana Cedis = $.56 Canadian)

This is corn, milled to remove the kernel covers, boiled and then wrapped in leaves (no clear plastic wrap to pollute the environment).and tied with a string. I heated in microwave and put brown sugar on it. mmmmmgood.

KENKEY with sugar (2 Ghana Cedis = $.22 Canadian)

Corn sent to the mill, the powder is made into a paste, cook it and add sugar. form into a small roll and wrap with leaves (again no plastic). The consistency is solid and very smooth. 

Here they are, add salt and ready to snack on ( I had them for supper last night) Not as good as McDonalds but 'when in Rome do as the Romans do.'

Saturday, March 11, 2023

This and that

 Have Thurible, will travel. 

A lesson on how to transport  a Thurible from church to cemetery with hot coals.

                                                     LOOK IN THE SIDE MIRRROR

An explanation of  a Take Away meal
After long events like funerals, weddings, long meeting that runs through a meal time, a person is given a Take Away meal. It is always jollof rice, chicken or fish, a spoon of hot sauce and a spoon of salad. It is in a clam shaped Styrofoam container or plastic one use container with an elastic holding shut, spoon wrap with serviette under the elastic, a drink all in a plastic bag. It never varies and I love them because it means I do not have to cook supper.😁 Today we had a funeral at the cathedral and I got a take away so cooking for supper,  yipeeeeeee!!!

Wednesday, March 8, 2023



A school holiday to celebrate the country's 66th anniversary. Ghana was the first country on the African continent to become independent.  Yea Ghana 🎉 

Bands, kids marching, awards distributed, demonstrations of army marching maneuvers and crowds clapping and cheering

A poignant moment for me what when a band member (dressed with white shirt and black pants uniform) was marching and saluting the dignitaries by himself. At first is seemed out of place to say the least but as I watched him I realized that he was a band member who marched with the band but no instrument but filled the ranks. The acceptance and applause for his marching was loud and enthusiastic. As he marched by, with the band later it was apparent he had Downs Syndrome. I applaud the band that opened their ranks to include a non musical playing member who brings enthusiasm and energy.     The one that brings enthusiasm is third from the left on this side of the group.

School marching in formation

Dignitaries making their speeches (unfortunately the PA system was not working so the event for me was a visual only event, like watch tv with the sound off at times)

The chiefs and their wives 

Is he asking 'why are YOU sitting beside ME?'. 

Thursday, March 2, 2023

A joke here because of different cultural meanings

  I brought back from Sunyani a Pascal Candle Holder for the cathedral. It is quite heavy so I can not carry it. The Dean lives next door to me so I asked for some help in getting it to the church. He asked me to flash him when I get home. I then explained what flashing means in Canada as it is a chargeable offence. Here it means phone him, let it ring a couple of times and then hang up.  LOL lots and lots of laughs 

Sunyani Prison

 I visited Mary, now the Commandant of Women's Prison, having had a long time friendship with her. Years ago we had a Hair Dressing Salon and then a  Barber Shop and Store established. I went to see how they were fairing. Both places were busy so I take that as they are successful. Mary is getting a bakery built to teach baking skills to the women and to make some extra funds for the prison. It was great to see their success.

                Guards singing Happy Birthday to me, here they celebrate birthdays all year long.                                                                                                                                                                  


Mary and I