Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 Travelled to Sunyani on the 23rd and returned on the 26th. Travelling is such a challenge here. I went by taxi to Bibiani (34 km = 1 1/2 hrs) and then changed to a minibus on to Sunyani, (93 km = 3 hrs). Returning I had to wait 1 hour in Bibianai for the taxi to fill up, buses and taxis do not leave at a certain time but leave when all the seats are filled. The good news was that I was the first patron to get to the taxi so I got the front passenger seat. 

Saw friends in Sunyani, picked up my drum from Daniel

Had dinner with Gifty, a long chat with Eramus and May, picked up a Pascal candle holder from Moses.
and enjoyed Adu driving me here and there. The travelling is tiring as the roads are full of pot holes so there is considerable weaving back and forth using the whole road to minimize the bumps. There is no complaining as that is life. Visited the Prison, more later when I get pics.
All in all  great time! 

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