Monday, January 23, 2023

a school needing water

 It is almost too much to comprehend a school of 400 students with no water but it is true Kids skip out with or without permission taking their mug to the stream for a drink. They have put  a proposal in to get water and sinks so that clean water will be available.

Stream with concrete blocking the flow to be able to scoop up water

                                                                                      path to stream about 1/2 km from the school                                                                                                                      across a busy road

                                                          School assembled to say Hello

                                  Talking with a science teacher
                                                     -traditional sharing of desks while sitting on a bench

The proposal is that the school will hook up to water via the Mission House (Rectory). A polytank can be installed to store water as town water does not flow down all streets every day. There will be three sinks installed on this concrete structure beside the walkway. I keep hoping that I will stop seeing such resource poor conditions that the schools need to struggle within to educate the next generation.        Soon Lord...


  1. So much we take for granted in ,Canada the land with the highest percent of fresh water in the world

  2. That is what I keep getting struck with even after being here for many years, water, electricity, bribes expected to grease the wheels of progress, not able to buy food for family after paying an outrageous fine for parking in a wrong place after being arrested for this offence, unable to send children to school because not have $.70 needed for lunch,
    This year it seems more shocking for some reason to me.
