Saturday, January 21, 2023

A free Saturday to do laundry etc

Well Saturday is here and time to do bits and pieces and perhaps do nothing. Even though this time away is technically not a vacation, time to do nothing is quite pleasant never the less. Laundry by hand and cleaning the fan does not count in my book, as work,  maybe I like to play in water. WATER THERAPY perhaps.  lol  

Visited a couple of communities with Michael, who has established Savings Programs with 35 different groups. Group maximum membership is 25, they develop with Michael's assistance the rules of the savings coop, the basic purpose is a savings program and as a member you can asked for a loan with the payback within 3 months at an interest rate of 5 percent (bank rates go as high as 30% and it is inconvenient to leave the village and go to the town where the bank is located). One of the rules is how much each person contributes every week and if you can not, you are charged as fine. You can contribute more but not less. In this Savings Program the group are the keepers of the money and they are the community reminders to pay back the loan. I heard of a family who did not pay back the loan, rejected alternative payback plans, the situation was taken to the Paramount Chief who decided that the proceeds from half if their crop was to be given to the Savings Coop until the loan was paid. They now can not  be part of the Savings Coop. Default on loans is not an issue as one way or another all loans are fully paid. At the end of each calendar year the donated savings is given back plus your percentage of the interest from loans. It gives a lump sum that could pay school fees, buy seed for the farm etc. After 3 years the group graduates to being self sufficient and Michael is only a resource if they call with a problem.   

Documenting the weekly contribution: everyone has a Bank Book (blue books in pic) with their contributions totaled

                                    Group gathers for about 1 hour while contributions are written up

                                                          This little guy was trying to figure out what I was. 
                  Kids in the village rarely see white people 
so I sometimes create a little havoc.

I also went to follow up a project started last year when a Bore Hole was put in and a shelter for Health examinations and teaching will take place.t

The times spent walking to the water source,1/2 to 3/4 hour each way, has been eliminated. The high tap allows the pan to be filled while on the head saving having to lift is which is usually a 2 person job.

The shelter is underway. The materials needs to be delivered into the village and then the work begins. The blocks are made by hand and then are assembled into the structure. Each step is very labour intensive as a result. So in the hot noon day sun the work was continued while I watched for a while.

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